Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Men's after-shaves. Which one would you pick out of these?

Aqua Velva, Afta, Skin Bracer, Brut, Old Spice, Clubman...
Old spice (the original version).
Aqua Velva

Don't ever wear Old Spice. That stuff is out dated and it smells horrible, especially if it's used too much.
I don't use an after shave because I wouldn't want a cheap scent from one of those drug store after shaves interfering with my cologne.
Old Spice.
definitely Old Spice, you can't go wrong with this.
Brut, Old Spice. Reminds me of my father. The older guys wore this stuff. It was good back then. Now it's considered cheap.
Old Spice...Most definitely
For some reason most girls I know hate the smell of old spice.

So even tho I think Old Spice is ok, you gotta rock the Aqua Velva.
Depends on what you are going for. The big thing is to replace the moisture you just ripped off you skin by shaving. Use a neutral smell and just wear your cologne. Nivea makes a great after shave moisturizer even has an SPF of 30 to protect against the sun.
None of them:they all smell bad.
And irritate your skin
Better use a soothing balm.
There are plenty that smell nice:"under the sheets" is a nice one.
All the above mentioned by you are for old dudes BTW.
can i pick 2?,ill pick, old spice and brut.
I would say that depends on who you're trying to impress, or who's attention you want to grab. If you're going for a younger, modern girl then I'd stick with Aqua Velva; but if you're going for a sweet, honest, old-fashioned girl then stick with Old Spice...there are still females out there that like it. But you definitely can't use a different cologne, you gotta stick with the same scent on your face and body, so if you've already got a fav colonge picked out, chances are they make an aftershave too. Check it out.
None of them.sorry

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