Saturday, October 31, 2009

Men only: Faced with death by starvation or eating your own penis, which would you choose?

This is an amazingly difficult question. Even if you survived, why would you want to without your penis?

Assume there are no alternatives to these two options. Starvation, or eat your penis and live.

Obviously this question is only for men.
I would eat my arm or many other body parts before I would ever be able to eat my penis, but I would choose death if it got to that point.
No this is a question that does not belong here.
What is the healthissue here?
It is kinda of awkward. I would rather starve to death cuase u would have the pain of cutting it off and never having it again.
Its a q i hope im never faced with lol

MEN HELP Me again!!?? PLease!!?

mens health-u guys helped me a couple months ago. my guy wasnt talking to me cuase we had a fight and i called his penis little. you guys explianed i had some heavy apolginzing to do and that he might never forgive me and how horrible it is to do that to ag uy. i sent him several love emails ( like 5 ) saying that i just said it to hurt him and i know i was wrong and that his penis is the same size as other guys i had and its big enough for me and that i was just hurt etc... well i tried calling him a couple months ago, at first he was cold and distant, i have been persistantly calling being nice and he is finally coming around. i think he is finally over it. problem is he hasnt checked his email in months, he said he is going to go check it soon caseu he opend an ebay account or something. anyways - since he finally got over it, do u think when he get the emails NOW even though ni sent them 2 months ago. and its talking about that subject again, do u think he will be mad all over ?
Sounds like the two of you have some growing up to do. One, he should have gotten over it right away. Two, you should have thought before you said it. Real men don't have any hang ups about their penis size. You work with what you got.

Now, if he's not grown up enough to have gotten over it right away, then you should consider someone more mature. You shouldn't have to go apologizing profusely to him. One simple apology should have done it. If it's taking him this long to get over it, then you should get over him and move along.
I think you should forgive him and say that his penis is nice;not to small not to big and you have to show you really love him by giving him flowers you love more about him than only his penis;i really hope you guys are still a couple:/
If he is sensible enough, he will see them for what they are, emails of apology etc. He may still have some thoughts about it all though. You both need to talk openly and honest with each other. And obviously, not to say hurtful things when angry.
Good luck to you both :-)
Yup he will get ,do you know his ebay a/c well you can mail it in.

don't worry about it.
Look, the real question is, is he really small or not? If, by most standards, he is, then he is NEVER going to forget out it. If he isn't really small, he can say to himself, "Yeah, she just said that in a moment of anger to hurt me." But if he really is... well, nothing is really going to change that.

And it's not really an issue of anger. It's an issue of self-confidence.
He should not be.
if the emails were apologetic, then if he reads them he won't get mad.
First of all you got advice from guys about a guys perception of his willy-WRONg.
Of course the mag will say it was wrong bad terrible mean, etc. But it shouldnt have made you run after a guy that is obviously, either VERY very immature, or VERY self-concsious.
Think about it-if he said your boobs are too small for him and saggy and gross-would you have thrown a fit for so long??
Tell him to get over it and if he doesnt tell him he knows where the door is.
he'll never get over it. obviously he really does have a small penis so ur srewed either way

Men going ladiesssssss?

I feel like guys are getting more and more passive in bed. In my last relationship I felt like I was the man pleasing the submissive lady...of course got tired of it...what's gotten into you guys? no more manhood left out there?
Unfortunately rules have changed. Women wanted liberation, and now men don't even open the doors for us. WE BROUGHT IT TO OURSELVES.
tell me about it, the last few lays I got I might as well as just cranked the rampant rabbit up, men are so lazy in the sack.
3, 2, 1, your back in the room.
I think men are getting more and more passive in bed because a majority of them expect to be pleased rather than to please. It's incredibly the opposite of what I would expect, but it seems to be happening.
Dear Yerba: As the ole saying goes, "try, try, try again". Trust me, there are some red hot chili peppers out there...
You got half an hour il give you some pleasing.
Hmmm thats quite odd. I am all about pleasing and I dont really care that much about myself. It just seems right and natural to me.
Sorry you keep finding the wrong guys.
were still here, i sort my wife straight out! i only said to her today, im the boss in this bedroom and dont you forget it, you'll do exactly what i say, any more of your whinging and youll make this f***king bed youself!!
your picking the wroung guys call me and i will show you all about how to treat a lady in bed
I know what u mean. But Larissa's right half of this is our fault and trust me, u can break the weak, they will take control again
I think you have just latched on to the wrong guys. I am sure there are plenty out there who know exactly what to do in the bedroom department. I do agree though that with women's liberation things have changed. I think men have become a lot more androgynous. One only has to look at the products available to men these days. Not that I am saying it is a bad thing to look after yourself and keep looking good, but it wasn't that long ago when all men really had was a bottle of Old Spice, now its the whole shebang with waxing, facials, surgery to look good. I think any good woman can train a man in the bedroom if she really wants to, although you don't want them too tame. Anyhow how would I know I'm just a gay guy spouting off.
If you were in Chicago, I'd show you more manhood.
Tru to some extent cos men like to be pleased sometimes, come on ladies you ant have all the pleasure to yourself, let the men have some too. Of course a hard days work and the man wants to come home and become relaxed and not have another hard session in bed, it can getting tiring.
2 much tuggin
Ok but not all men do you like to so me to find the other sid
me e- mail

Men Electric Shavers, what鈥檚 the best?

1. What鈥檚 the best men electric shaver in the market, that is practical and can take even the smallest hairs?
2. Did any body used Braun Cruzer or Braun 360, what do you think of them?
3. And what's better: foil shavers or rotary shavers?
I have found the cheaper Braun foil shavers do better than the expensive ones.
My husband is taking Plavix (a blood thinner) and the doctor told him not to use regular shavers. Well, one day he used my Venus Divine along with my shave cream, and he said it was the best shave he's ever had. He's been doing this for about 2 years and has not had one nick. He swears by it!

Men a little help please?? much appreciated !!?

I'm posting this in the men's health sectoin on purpose. it coud be considerd a singles %26 dating Q, but becauese you guys helped me so much before when i made a comment to my ex. im posting it here. pleaes help me :
Ok my ex boyfreind and i began talking again several months ago. at the begining he was talking to me a lot and contacting me too. we both confessed our love for each other. about 2 months ago we had plans to do something and he ditched without giving me an explanation. so i got mad and sent him a mean email about his penis size and stuff. then he was ignoring me, so ive began calling him back almost every day. he says he wants me to keep calling ( The first few times he sounded mad/ weird ) but now as time goes on he soudns really warm and receptive to my calls, but he sitll does not call me. though he talks to me for a certain amount of time, he is usually the one to let me go. do u think he is still liking me? I think that he was ignoring me for a while cuase he was mad and now that i shown im callign him a lot and being nice he is wamring up to me again, but im curios what someone else thinks, thanks
鈾?ah, girl, u鈥檇 better kicked his b伪ll鈭?then u鈥檇 have higher chances to repair the situation. The matter is most guys (except machos) would never comment your flaws in ur face; we expect the same attitude from u girls, too! Now he鈥檚 using ur calls to repair his self-respect, nothing more. He鈥檚 making mistake though! I shall not tell u which!
LOL, sounds to me that he is playing with your mind. My opinion, you shouldnt call him anymore. if he doesnt call you , that means he is not interested in you.
I'll lower my voice so you 'll think I am a guy- but...
move on you are wasting your time.
someone once told me only love those who love you back...
if someone loves you they wouldn't play games... at any age!
nor would they ignore you...
I can't say your wasting your time with him due to you will learn your own lessons but if you give up on it now it will be less painfull then later when he find even more ways to hurt you!
don't play the fool! keep your head up!
As a guy I can tell you he is just pulling your chain to see how far he can go and how high you will jump. Been there, done that.Dump the bum and move on !! Have a nice day! ;-}
He was jerking you around at first know he's looking at lineing you up as a late night visit when he has nothing else available, but he has something on the go right now but he's looking out in case something goes dry,
i dont know about ur previous history.. but from ur current question.. u sould really obsessive about ur guy...
Dont do that, guys dont like it when u become clingy.

If ur man ignores to walk away, find a new one.

I know its easy said than done, but i am sure there are many guys out there who would want u, provided ur willing to have them...
sounds like he's taking it slow.

Men .. does it hurt when you WAX?

your balls? to those who get them waxed? do you get embarrassed having your ballz waxed?
Why in The WOrld would a man wax there balls Ahhhhh
i dont wax
i dont know... never done it.. i use different stuff
Only some stupid vane Hollywood guy even think of doing that.
NO i'm sure it feels GREAT! What do you think??
i am a very hairy individual, and i wax. but i mostly just go for shoulders and back... not my genitalia. the first time i waxed i felt like i was being flayed alive. kind of like steve correll on 40 year old virgin... so i would never think of that for my testes. personally, i like having hair, in the right places. i garden my area to keep it nice and well kept. and i trim all my chest hair and arm hair. i was born hairy so im just going to have to find me a girl that likes hair b/c shaving gives too much razor burn and waxing just plain sucks. after i get some laser on my back, i might consider my testes if it doesnt look or feel painful...

in the end, i like my testes right where they are, not stuck to the paper that was riped from my body.
YES! Oh god yes!
What made u pounce on this kind of question
I don't have hairy balls, but i can only imagine the pain. aaaaaahhh

Men - do you ever find that a couple of minutes after a bowel movement, you need to urinate a small amount?

Yes it happens a lot.
Has something to do with release of pressure on the bowel.
Just relax, your fine.
I always find it...nothing new...or cumbersome!!!
Umm, I usually piss while dropping a duece.
I am not a man, but I do know why.. when you have a bowel movement the pressure is off of your bladder and therefore you urinate. It happens to me all the time, but usually at the same time.
Its a normal thing, makes sense eh? As you can tell I am a canadian.
nothing new

Mega Men Multivitamin Side Effects?

When I started taking this vitamin I noticed that my urine is neon yellow. Is there a reason?
It may be due to high levels of Vitamin C. That can cause your urine to be very yellow. Vitamin C is water soluble, so you don't have to worry about getting too much.
I found that the female version of this vitamin does the same thing. It's because it contains "mega" doses of some water soluable vitamins. Most of the vitamins just go thru your system and you end up peeing them out. In other words, you have some very expensive urine. My advice would be to get another type of vitamin, one that contains amounts of vitamins near the recommended daily allowance, and not more. That way you will not be peeing them away.
An excess of vitamins.


Medical properties of saande ka tel?

advantages and disadvantages of using saande ka tel
drink it an ull be a superman
apply it on ur body an ull be arnold
take it inside ur a**hole an ur piles will be gone
apply it on ur chest an ur chest hair will be gone
put some drops in ur eyes an ur eyesight will be gone
put it in ur nose an ur cold will be gone(actually ur breath wi,ll be gone)
apply it on ur penis an ur penis will be gone
wht elser can i tell u

2 order e_mail at
or call me at 1001001001001009876
on bookin now ull get a sannd free with its urine

*conditions apply

Medical problem, what to do?

ive had an erection for over 36 hours, what do i do?
If you are serious then you should see your doctor immediately
see a doctor
Did you take something to make you to have an erection for that long? I would say that you need to go to your doctors office or even an Urgent Care Clinic. You may even want to go to the ER.

Good Luck!
I've actually seen this in the ER.guess where you have to go? Sorry..stay off the pills!
The medical term is called Priapism.It is considered a "medical" emergency if it last over 4 hours. The mechanisms are poorly understood,but it involves both vascular and neurololgic abnormalities.You need to get yourself to your MD or go to the ER to get treated. Applying ice packs to the area and the perineum may help also.Treatment can include medications to allow for decompression,in severe cases surgery to create a vein shunt may be necessary.Permanent urinary damage even gangrene can result from lack of adequate medical care.Please take care. SW FNP
See your doctor who is qualified, trained, and licensed to give you medical advice. People on this site are not. Good luck.


Medical : about sperm?

After ejaculation, my sperm is really hot(temperature wise).
Is that a problem?
pls help in this regard
the sperm seem hot because they are traveling through the core of your body and being forced out fast and landing on a much cooler surface. The temperature of the skin on your hand would be lower than your internal core temperature and so it is going to feel warmer.
It is supposed to be like that. It is normal for sperm to feel warm. However try drinking more water and see if there is a difference.
It's normal.
Your body temperture could be just really high at the moment. Does this happen often?? To be on the safe side go and get tested for STDs.
This is normal

Measuring a man's ring size.?

I measured my boyfriends preferred ring finger and it was exactly 3 inches. any websites? OR can someone just tell me what his ring size is. It is a surprise father's day gift from our son.
Measure the 3 inches out on a piece of string with allowances for the knot. Take to a jeweler's and have them size the string for you.
go to a jewellry store. they have those ring sizing thngs there. they'll be able to tell you for sure
All your info is right in my source

May I touch your abs?

If so, please send me an e-mail!! Thanks!
ok. i have a 7 pack.;...
Only if you can get past my light saber.

(says the 6 foot tall, slender, blonde sith)

Think of it as a Brunhilde thing...

i dont have abs
why wouyld a dude ask this question?
sure but i dont really have abs just a very flat stomach
If I onlyyyyy had some abs..wizard of oz! I can be the last character! Shibby! Fwut son? :D

Maxoderm Connection, i want to use it, but i want to get input. Any negative sides?

i was planning on buying this product to see what it would be like, anybody ever tried it? any negative side effects or long term problems?
All men are different and their reactions to Maxoderm or any other ED treatment will be different. However, Maxoderm has been successful for thousands of men in combating ED. If you are experiencing a less-than-perfect love life, the answer for you might be Maxoderm

Bladder pain, cloudy or bloody urine, dizziness, pain on urination and diarrhea have been reported as well.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Masterbation.. Whats the best way?

imma dude, whats the best way of masterbation, anything else today besides using my hand?
get a book on yoga or take a class and you can learn to orally gratify yourself. You should be in pretty good physical shape to attempt this but what better reason to shave off a few pounds do you need?
let someone else use theirs
fake vagina i thinks its a fleshlight or something
the real thing.

; )
hit it with a brick..
ermmmmmmmm a women or i here a dog could help you lol
what a joke.
Have someone else do it.??
apply a c0ckstrap and use the hand still.

apply a c0ckstrap and Chant some Mantras and constract the penile tissues to the sounds of the chants. Do not touch the penis with hands. Let the penis work on it own. For a challenge, you can put a towel on it to see how HIGH you can raise it. For a more even challenging challenge, WET the towel.

Wear briefs two sizes too small for you. Now not applying hands let the penis rub against the fabric of the briefs with a gyrating motion. Remember no touching. (about 1 month)
As you master that technique, pull the penis out of the briefs through one of the legs. Let the penis "flap" against the thigh by doing a jumping jack motion. Remember still no touching. (about 2 months)

As you master that technique, do the jumping jack motion with NO BRIEFS on. The penis should now be flapping against alternately against the thigh and the abdomen area. Remember still no touching.
You have to use the briefs, boxers don't do well in those situations.
i heard some guys do it with a banana peel
stop being lazy. nut
you can use a Watermelon, peel it and open a hole on it. you know the rest
STop and go

Married men- Should I?

For over a year now I have been extremely attracted to a married man here at work. His wife works here too. I have NEVER approached him, but he looks at me when he can. Is he looking at me because he is disgusted with me sneaking looks at him? Or is he hoping I will talk to him? I feel life in every cell of my body when I see him. I feel like I could breathe him into every cell. Can I approach him? I don't want to Marry him or anything.
he is married so stay away, but enjoy the attraction...reallity is that if you ever did get to know him it wouldn't be any good so like i said enjoy the feelings you have now but don't proceed any further.
he's married...stay out of it, it will just cause a bunch of drama in the end...find a single guy
go for it. risk spoiling his marriage. risk losing both your jobs. it will be fun.
don't leave him alone, it's just an infatuation
What do you want to do with him?? Married guys like to talk and have friends too! So if you want to be his friend go talk to him. If you want to jump his bones and have multiple orgasms with him STAY AWAY he is married!
No never ever get involved with a married man he is married therefore he is off limits get it ? else you could end up missing some hair and teeth cause his wife will end up pulling your hair out and knocking your teeth out . leave him alone!
HELL NO! Get the hell away from him and don't ruin your life. You'll find someone hotter.
Don't know the whole situation, but does he have any kids? If so, I would say absolutely NO. It is also generally a bad idea to get involved with someone you work with. The fact that she works there too also complicates things. Did she start working there after him to check up on him? or visa versa? What is their history? Does she flirt with other guys at work? If so, flirting can't really hurt and may make him feel less awkward if that is what the looks are about.

I am all for women being less inhibited this way, but these are all things to be considered when opening up that can of worms!
Give the poor guy a break he wants some strange.

It may look enticing, but it would be nothing but trouble.

You would regret it for the rest of your life.
STAY AWAY !! he is married, come on find a single guy, keep your clothes on !!
How would you like someone else hitting on your husband?
Stay away you have Absolutely no right to him! Be patient %26 you'll find someone you can have, just not him!
leave him alone homewrecker

Marlbro smooths cause brain damage?

i heard that they can cause brain damage over a long period of time

give me some feedback
I have not heard of them specifically causing brain damage.
They do cause a whole host of other diseases though. I think the ones listed on the side of the pack would be enough to get you to think twice before smoking.
do you want baked bean teeth and an old catchers mitt for a face? smoking is just plain bad all around
There are research that shows that smoking do cause some form of damage to the brains, plus many other health problems.
Take it you are talking about cigarettes? All cigs cause furring of the small vessels which over time will weaken and may haemorrhage. Causing stroke, Heart attacks, etc

Manboobs. Are there any discreet support bras for men?

We had a guy in the operating room for emergency orthopedic surgery get undressed to reveal a wire push-up bra, and this guy did not nead a bra. I certainly didn't know he had one on until he was undressed.

I had to answer this question, though. I love that term - "manboobs". It just cracks me up. Manboobs! Manboobs! Heeee Heeee Heeeeeeee!
try a tight fitting vest! or join the gym to turn those man boobs into muscle!
haha wat man would wear a bra
not that I've ever heard of.
how about diet, avoid alcohol %26 try exercise?
see links below.
%26 ask your GP/MD/Doc for advice, men are just as susceptible as women to breast cancer, if left unchecked.

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