Saturday, October 31, 2009

MEN HELP Me again!!?? PLease!!?

mens health-u guys helped me a couple months ago. my guy wasnt talking to me cuase we had a fight and i called his penis little. you guys explianed i had some heavy apolginzing to do and that he might never forgive me and how horrible it is to do that to ag uy. i sent him several love emails ( like 5 ) saying that i just said it to hurt him and i know i was wrong and that his penis is the same size as other guys i had and its big enough for me and that i was just hurt etc... well i tried calling him a couple months ago, at first he was cold and distant, i have been persistantly calling being nice and he is finally coming around. i think he is finally over it. problem is he hasnt checked his email in months, he said he is going to go check it soon caseu he opend an ebay account or something. anyways - since he finally got over it, do u think when he get the emails NOW even though ni sent them 2 months ago. and its talking about that subject again, do u think he will be mad all over ?
Sounds like the two of you have some growing up to do. One, he should have gotten over it right away. Two, you should have thought before you said it. Real men don't have any hang ups about their penis size. You work with what you got.

Now, if he's not grown up enough to have gotten over it right away, then you should consider someone more mature. You shouldn't have to go apologizing profusely to him. One simple apology should have done it. If it's taking him this long to get over it, then you should get over him and move along.
I think you should forgive him and say that his penis is nice;not to small not to big and you have to show you really love him by giving him flowers you love more about him than only his penis;i really hope you guys are still a couple:/
If he is sensible enough, he will see them for what they are, emails of apology etc. He may still have some thoughts about it all though. You both need to talk openly and honest with each other. And obviously, not to say hurtful things when angry.
Good luck to you both :-)
Yup he will get ,do you know his ebay a/c well you can mail it in.

don't worry about it.
Look, the real question is, is he really small or not? If, by most standards, he is, then he is NEVER going to forget out it. If he isn't really small, he can say to himself, "Yeah, she just said that in a moment of anger to hurt me." But if he really is... well, nothing is really going to change that.

And it's not really an issue of anger. It's an issue of self-confidence.
He should not be.
if the emails were apologetic, then if he reads them he won't get mad.
First of all you got advice from guys about a guys perception of his willy-WRONg.
Of course the mag will say it was wrong bad terrible mean, etc. But it shouldnt have made you run after a guy that is obviously, either VERY very immature, or VERY self-concsious.
Think about it-if he said your boobs are too small for him and saggy and gross-would you have thrown a fit for so long??
Tell him to get over it and if he doesnt tell him he knows where the door is.
he'll never get over it. obviously he really does have a small penis so ur srewed either way

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