Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Men: which is better shave, electric or razor blade?

which one
1) give closer shave
2) is better for skin - short term and long term
You are talking about shaving your FACE here aren't you? Because the reply above me has got me confused!! haha

I used to shave with an electric shaver but it irritated my skin too much. I switched to a razor blade and it's the best - a closer shave and is much more easier on the skin and keeps it healthier. I'd say a razor blade is much more better for the skin in the long term.

It's also good to keep your skin moisturised, which will help it look better for longer.
electric but good one
It's a personal preference. I get a closer shave with a blade, but my beard isn't heavy enough to require daily shaving. I can touch up with an electric razor between shaves. An electric is more prone to irritation.
lol honeslty people say that real men dont shave down there, but i say to hell with them, last time i checked im a man HA!! but to answer your question id start with the electric razor, then the razor blade bro.

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